Children & Youth |
Dec 23, 2023 |
Donation Program
All Together in Dignity (ATD) Fourth World is an international non-governmental organization with no religious or political affiliation who works with individuals and institutions to find solutions to eradicate extreme poverty. Working in partnership with people in poverty, ATD Fourth World’s human rights-based approach focuses on supporting families and individuals through its grass-roots presence and involvement in disadvantaged communities, in both urban and rural areas. It creates public awareness of extreme poverty and influences policies to address it.
Book reading and storytelling are main activities of ATD’s, as they try to allow children often with difficulties at school to live a nicer experience where books are fun and reading is enjoyable. During the last Festival of Learning in 2022, where they hosted more than 900 children, they had to make do with a defective sound system. A new sound-system would allow them to make this experience much more enjoyable for the children.
Christmas Wish: Laptop which will help as a learning gadget for our community members. It will also help us delegate workload for preparation of activities as we will have more resources.