Smart phone or walkie-talkie for Philippine Eagle Foundation

Animal Welfare | Dec 23, 2023 | Donation Program

The Philippine Eagle Foundation focuses on the great Philippine Eagle not only to recover its dwindling populations but also to protect its forest habitats and ensure the sustainable use of the forests’ bounties for the people. Through our conservation breeding program, the Foundation hopes to augment the species’ dwindling population by releasing captive bred eagles back to their natural habitat. 

To date, the Foundation has successfully produced 29 captive-bred eagles. Widely recognized for its accomplishments in the conservation of the Philippine Eagle, the Foundation continues to grow with its strong science-based programs and people-oriented strategies. Deforestation and continued human persecution are among the main reasons why there are fewer eagles left in the wild. The Foundation employs holistic and multi-stake holder approaches to address these problems. By working with many organizations and people from all walks of life the Foundation hopes to take the Philippine Eagle off the endangered species list. Along with saving the eagle and the many animals that share its forest home, the Foundation looks forward to helping fulfill the dreams and aspirations of the millions of marginal income families who also rely on the forest to survive.

Christmas Wish: Smart phone or walkie-talkie to efficiently record the team's observations in the field while doing nest surveys.

Philippine Eagle Foundation

Dec 23, 2023


Jasmine Salem



Goal: Php 25,000


Php 0 more donations needed