Hunger Relief for Children in Tondo Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Children & Youth | Sep 13, 2020 | Donation Program

The ongoing pandemic does not discriminate between social classes but there is no denying that one of the hardest hits demographics is the urban poor.

For years, Project Pearls with the help of kind donors and volunteers have been consistently providing healthy and nutritious meals for the poorest of the poor kids in Helping Land, Tondo, Manila. Many industries are already feeling the economic impact of the crisis and this is more so the case for non-profits like Project Pearls.

One of the first line of defense against the spreading virus is sanitation, hygiene, and a strong immune system. Being in the middle of a garbage dump site, there is much to be desired with the environment the Project Pearls kids are in. But with your donations, we can at least ensure that the kids still have access to nutritious meals that would give them a fighting chance. We can also make sure that they are still clothed with dignity amidst an ongoing pandemic; we want to prevent them going on survival mode and having to subsist on food scraps.

YOU CAN STILL VOLUNTEER BY SHARING YOUR TREASURE to fund the basic needs of families in the community, while STAYING SAFE AT HOME. Treasure Volunteering allows you to donate either via Paypal or with your credit/debit card account and help the girls amid this pandemic crisis. Project Pearls have long relied on its donors in times of plenty but they need your support all the more in this unprecedented crisis.

Project PEARLS

Sep 13, 2020


Vin de la Cruz



Goal: Php 20,000


Php 0 more donations needed