Teaching a child how to read entails time and attention. Children from disadvantaged homes do not have the luxury and blessing of being read to by a parent or another adult. Studies show that children benefit from being read to aloud. Your role is most valuable in this aspect of their learning.
We want to give each child as much attention as possible. Your participation will make this happen! The teacher needs you to help in encouraging the children in the class.
A teacher's assistant comes once a week in her/his chosen school and class. It is essential that consistency and faithfulness in attendance be maintained. Consistency will help establish a connection with the children; helping them anticipate your care and help each week. You will assist the teacher in reading stories, reciting poems, sing songs and classroom management during the 90 minute session.
You may choose from the following public schools:
1-Libis Elementary School--Libis, Quezon City
2-Bagumbayan Elementary School--Quezon City (near Eastwood)
3-Tomas Earnshaw Elementary School--Punta Sta Ana
4-San Ramon Elementary School--Canlubang, Laguna
5-Rosalie Rendu Development Center--between Bicutan and Sucat
Anyday of your choice, Monday to Friday from 1:30pm to 3:00pm