Educational Tour Guiding at the Philippine Eagle Center (Wildlife Buddies!)

Animal Welfare, Education, Environment & Sustainability, Volunteerism | Jun 03, 2023 | Volunteer Event

Site: The Philippine Eagle Center (PEC) 

We are looking for ‘Wildlife Buddies’ - composed of trained volunteers, interns and education officers, who provide Guided Tours at the sanctuary. They give visitors a fun and meaningful educational tour around the facility as they:

  • Provide animal and habitat information
  • Share ecologically-responsible behaviors
  • Promote wildlife conservation
  • Engage and compel the public to take action through volunteering or donation
  • Facilitate experiential learning

Equally important to our direct conservation actions are our efforts in education and public awareness. 

The PEC is where people from different walks of life and of all ages can learn and participate in the PEF’s efforts to protect our national bird and our forests. Apart from the PEC, we also partner with schools, hotels and malls as venues for conservation learning.  Aside from the Philippine Eagle, the PEC is home to many other wildlife species! 

The PEC cares for over 100 animals who take refuge at the facility. Most of these animals were rescued, turned over, and confiscated from the illegal pet trade, while some were hatched at the sanctuary. Their long rehab and permanent disabilities do not make them candidates for release anymore. With these conditions, they retire at the PEC and are promoted as Conservation Education Ambassadors.

As conservation education champions, Wildlife Buddies are encouraged to engage the guests and inspire them to participate in the conservation work through the following: 

  • Following the PEF’s YouTube account for educational content and updates
  • Buying merchandise at the gift shop
  • Dropping any amount at the donation box
  • Spreading the word to their family, friends, and colleagues
  • Signing up as a volunteer

WILDLIFE BUDDIES are needed all-year round! If you sign up, the team will email you the schedules for orientations , volunteer meet-and-greet, and trainings. You can also opt for an online or onsite meeting. You will also be given liberty to plot your tour guiding schedule based on your availability. Anyone 14 years old and above can join (minors needing a parent's consent and at least one adult chaperone). 


UPCOMING EVENT: (June 3, 2023 - June 14, 2023) 


→ Wildlife buddies can participate in the eagle week fiesta through the following activities

  • Facilitating guest surveys (post-tour)
  • Educational Tour Guiding 
  • Manning stations and facilitating games 
  • Manning the photo booth and donation drop off 
  • Registration 
  • Distribution of prizes / manning booths where guests claim prizes
  • Documentation (photos, videos) 
  • Volunteer sign-up booth 

Note: All volunteers registered in this dashboard will receive a centralized google sheet with CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES via email from the PEF team. Please plot your name on your preferred date/s and type 'yes' on the columns matching your preferred time and activity. Updates and study guides will be sent on email blast leading to the event. PEF staff and core volunteers will welcome you at the PEC, and are more than happy to brief you on the ground work and introduce you to fellow volunteers. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH AND We look forward to working with you soon! 


END .. 


Philippine Eagle Center, Barangay Malagos, Baguio District, Davao City

Jun 03, 2023

09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Philippine Eagle Foundation

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Goal: 50


9 more volunteers needed

Event Done