[Afternoon] Silk screen printing for eco relief bags

Environment & Sustainability | Aug 15, 2015 | Volunteer Event

The Citizens' Disaster Response Center (CDRC) envisions to build disaster-resilient communities. They also respond to minor disasters and major emergencies--and with the typhoon season upon us, they need our help. 

Join CDRC this Saturday for a creative and meaningful volunteer opportunity: Silk screen printing for their eco bags which will be used for relief operations. =) 

You may also opt to register on either Aug. 8 &/or 15, AM/PM. Check out the available slots here.

72-A Time St., West Triangle Homes, Quezon City

Aug 15, 2015

01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Citizens' Disaster Response Center Foundation, Inc. (CDRC)

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Goal: 10


0 more volunteers needed

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