| Aug 14, 2022 | Volunteer Event
Arnold Janssen Kalinga Foundation
More than just a hot meal, our dear homeless are looking for a welcoming smile and the assurance that they too are precious.
We are not looking for experts
We just need willing hearts!
Come volunteer with us for a whole day or even just a few hours.
Every Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays
830 AM to 3:30 pm
FOR INQUIRIES Call 09612408692 Fr. Flavie Villanueva
Catholic Trade Building
1661 Tayuman St., Santa Cruz Manila
1003 Manila
Please email photos of volunteerism to imperial.violetac@gmail.com so we can click Attended after the event. Thank you and GOD Bless
Aug 14, 2022
08:30 AM - 03:00 PM
Nature Awareness and Conservation Club Inc
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Goal: 37
35 more volunteers needed