Volunteer Academic Coaches with Project PEARLS

Children & Youth | Jan 04, 2015 | Volunteer Event

Project PEARLS believes that all children deserve peace, education, aspiration, respect, love, and smiles.

Each child must have an adult in his life who will “champion” and motivate him to be the best learner that he can be.

Thus, Project Pearls invites you to be a champion for the PEARLS children! 

By participating in our After School Academic Coaching Program, you will be able to make a difference in a child’s life. 

All it requires is for volunteer academic coaches to be ready to assist the kids in accomplishing their homework and reviewing their lessons in school. 

A volunteer need not be a teacher or an expert on the subject matter, for as long he enjoys working with children and is willing to collaborate with fellow volunteers.

Champion a PEARLS child today. Volunteer. Advocate. Share.

Roles of the Volunteer Academic Coaches:

1. Assists children in completing their homework

2. Helps the children in reviewing and understanding past and current lessons in school

3. Assists children in building good study habits

4. Prepares children for their upcoming assessments in school

Helping Land Tondo, Manila

Jan 04, 2015

08:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Project PEARLS

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Goal: 5


2 more volunteers needed

Event Done