Title: Tend Vegetables and Herbs on CDRC's Rooftop Garden
Spend a meaningful volunteering for just a few hours on Saturday morning with your family and friends watering and tending herbs and potted vegetables at CDRC!
The CDRC's rooftop garden is part of our advocacy of self-sufficiency, love for nature, and raising children's awareness about environmental issues through fun, safe experiential learning.
What your family/group will do:
• Water plants
• Cut/remove dried leaves/weeds
• Put labels on potted herbs and potted vegetables
• Clean gardening tools
• Sweep garden
** if time will allow and volunteers are interested, they will be taught how to make biopots
** in the event of rain, the Rooftop garden tending will be cancelled
What to wear:
• You can wear sandals but closed-toe shoes such as sneakers or rubber shoes are recommended to protect your toes
• Comfortable T-shirt made of light material
• Comfy pants or shorts - both not too tight so you can move comfortably
What to bring:
• A water bottle to use for CDRC's water dispenser
• Extra T-shirt
• face towel
Where is the CDRC?