This is the second of our two-part pedal bike recreation and bike workshop with kids. This time we will be tapping Operation Blessing Community in Marikina. This will be held at the Marikina Riverbanks Activity Area as well. Learn or teach riding bikes with kids. Another unique event to provide support and teach values.
Operation Blessing works to fight hunger, disease, unemployment, illiteracy and abuse—one family, one community at a time. The worldwide mission of OB is to demonstrate God’s love by alleviating the plight of those in great need by feeding the hungry and caring for the weak.
We will be partnering you with 1 kid for a 2-3 hours mixture of activities filled with fun, learning and impact for a minimal sponsor fee of Php 250. Students can sponsor for Php 150. Your sponsorship is your registration for it already includes your own ID, food, materials and gifts. Please come in white shirt and bring extra shirt, pens and water bottle. A short orientation will be conducted 30 minutes before the event starts. You may also contact us at +639178874278. Thank U! See more at:
If you would like to represent iVolunteer Philippines for this event, please let us know. We also encourage you to buy our iVolunteer Philippines T-shirt to support our volunteerism portal. Just contact Mana at 09178001778 or through Thanks!