Operation Christmas Elf is a wish granting activity of iVolunteer Philippines and our mission is to grant simple wishes of our partner organizations to their communities.
What's their wish this coming Christmas? 100 old or new children's books for their book and toy drive to be given to different communities and welfare organizations from Manila.
If you choose to be an "Elf", you are pledging 10 books for Museo Pambata or for monetary donations, you can also deposit thru:
BDO Account name: Museo Pambata Foundation, Inc
Account number: 002668003848
To pledge, click "Volunteer".
*note: once you have clicked "Volunteer", you will be receiving an email notification that only signifies confirmation of pledging. Our volunteer coordinators will be contacting you for more details.
Deadline of granting the wishes is on December 18, 2016