Yellow Warrior Society Philippines


  • Baguio City
  • Philippines
  • Health & Well-being

Contact details

Mission statement

The Yellow Warriors Society Philippines is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to promote a healthy and productive society by fighting and preventing Hepatitis B and C as major health problems in the Philippines, crashing all forms of discrimination upon hepatitis B and C carriers, and diminishing suffering from it through advocacy, research, education, and service.

8-Point Objective

The following are the objectives for which this organization has been organized, to wit:

a. Educate the people on the Hepatitis B and C Virus (HBV/HCV) to avoid any misconceptions on the disease;

b. Advocate a healthy living;.

c. Promote a fair environment for all HBV/HCV carriers in the society most particularly in the labor sector;

d. Help HBV/HCV carriers who are experiencing discrimination, depression, and anxiety by providing counselling and other activities;

e. Advocate the free or low cost screening and vaccination especially for newborn babies and children against HBV/HCV;

f. Promote quality but low cost hospitalization, laboratory tests and medicines for the HBV/HCV carriers and other diseases;

g. Promote research and clinical studies on HBV/HCV and other related diseases; and

h. Support individuals, non-government or government organizations who advocate the same objective as the Yellow Warriors Society Philippines.