Mission: To provide support and sustainable program through volunteerism to our fellow Filipinos.
<p><strong>Reach Out Volunteers Ph</strong> is a volunteer organization composed of individual volunteers among different places who aim to create a better life for underprivileged fellow Filipinos.</p><p>Over the past two years, Reach Out Volunteers Ph together with the help of volunteers and sponsors, was able to conduct successful outreach programs across Luzon</p><p>Goals:<br>- Increase number of volunteers to support our continuous projects<br>- Increase donors to sustain our projects<br>- Provide better life for our fellow Filipinos<br>- Improve literacy to Filipino kids through giving out educational supplies and school assistance initiatives.</p><p> </p><p>Check out our fb page - Reach Out Volunteers Ph</p><figure class="media"><oembed url="https://www.facebook.com/ROVolunteersPH/"></oembed></figure>