Childhope Philippines is the first international movement founded in the country which advocates for the cause of street children. The organization’s main objective is to empower street children and help them gain access to a brighter future. It employs street educators who go out into the streets of Manila and provide counseling and basic education to street kids through alternative learning sessions.
Our banner program, the Street Education and Protection Program (STEP) believes in “education without borders”, where the Alternative Education sessions seek to make a difference in the lives of street children by giving them the opportunities for holistic development as well as the ability to learn to read and write. It provides for basic and urgent needs to support and ensure the continuous and holistic learning and development which include psychosocial interventions, medical and health services, paralegal assistance and skills training among street children. Childhope assists them to develop the values they need so they can grow up to become caring, confident, responsible, and resilient members of society.
Since our inception in 1995 up to the present, Childhope has already assisted about 10,500 street children.