Rotary is made up of three parts: at the heart of Rotary are our clubs, that are supported by Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. Rotary clubs bring together dedicated individuals to exchange ideas, build relationships, and take action. Rotary International supports Rotary clubs worldwide by coordinating global programs, campaigns, and initiatives. The Rotary Foundation uses generous donations to fund projects by Rotarians and our partners in communities around the world. As a nonprofit, all of the Foundation's funding comes from voluntary contributions made by Rotarians and friends who share our vision of a better world. Together, Rotary clubs, Rotary International, and The Rotary Foundation work to make lasting improvements in our communities and around the world.
<p>Rotary Club of Makati Legazpi is a service organization compose of business and professional men and women who have a common goal of sharing, giving, helping and supporting different projects for the communities. The club's flagship signature project is the Feeding Program in one of the public school in Makati with more than 1000 undernourished student beneficiaries, over 20 years.</p>